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Our school is committed to providing our students with a rigorous and challenging education. We believe that learning should be hands-on and engaging, and we offer a variety of labs and activities to help our students learn in a meaningful way.


Our labs provide students with the opportunity to explore different subjects in depth. We have labs for science, math, engineering, computer science, and more.


Our activities allow students to apply their knowledge in real-world situations. We offer activities such as field trips, service learning projects, and after-school clubs.


We believe that learning should be fun, and we strive to create a stimulating and engaging environment for our students. Our labs and activities are designed to help students learn in a way that is both challenging and enjoyable.

Here are some of the labs and activities we offer:
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Maths Lab

Maths Lab: School has established a well equipped Mathematics Laboratory. It is a place where learning becomes fun. The laboratory approach of teaching mathematics provides students with the opportunity to understand and discover the beauty, importance and relevance of mathematics as a discipline. The Maths Lab comprises of a variety of mathematical teaching aids in the form of models, games, charts, CDs, books etc. useful for effective learning. The focus of learning is on developing number sense, spatial sense, recognition of patterns and gradually to

attend the problems with algorithm and abstration. Teachers emphasize on mathematical process which helps the child to imbibe concepts using concrete materials, problem solving with real-life situations, reasoning, reflecting and connecting, selecting appropiate computational tools, strategies and use of mathematical vocabulary.

Biology Lab


Biology Lab: At Tagore Sr Sec School, Namaund we have a well laid out Biology lab. It can accommodate about 30 students at a time to comfortably conduct experiments. About 15 high resolution compound microscopes and about 15 dissection microscopes help to facilitate the learning of students. Each child has access to a microscope. The Biology laboratory is fully equipped with all the specimens, reagents, stains, glassware and other items as per the HBSE nonns and .requirements. The Biology laboratory also has Human Skeletons as specimen. Biology Lab is airy and well-lit which makes it easy for students to focus on their microscopes.

Physics Lab

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Physics Lab: Our Physics Jab is well designed, spacious enough to accommodate around 40 students so that they may acquire skill and confidence in their measurement with accuracy. Manipulation of materials, tools, instruments, description of observations, ability to rationally defend their conclusions, reporting observations are learnt along with infonnal discussions in the lab.


The role of Physics lab is central in high school Physics as

the students can construct their own understanding of Physics. This knowledge cannot be simply transmitted by

the teacher but must be developed in the students by their interactions with natural processes, man-made

machines and mechanisms. Meaningful learning occurs when Jab activities are well- integrated into the learning

sequence and experiments.

Chemistry Lab


Chemistry Lab: Our Chemistry lab caters to the needs of Middle School as well as Senior Secondary School students who opt for Chemical Science. Our lab is well equipped and systematic with all the apparatus, chemicals and reagents required for the smooth conduct of various experiments as per HBSE guidelines. Our lab has an efficient ventilation system with properly fitted exhaust devices. To ensure the safety of the students and laboratory personnel, chemical hoods or fume cupboards are used whenever hazardous or explosive chemicals are dealt with. Our students are strictly instructed to wear lab coats while working in the lab. Regular inspection of safety and first -aid equipment is conducted in our school. Our lab is well-lit and has adequate number of water points which are essential for smooth and safe functioning of the lab. All in all, our lab is a I place where students learn and discover the mysteries of science in the safest possible way.


Students have a growing number of special needs arising from their own activities; needs a good school library that will be able to answer. The TSSS library provides academic resources for all constituents of the school - students, faculty and administrative staff. The library strives to make resources readily accessible when and wherever they are needed to enhance and promote the total growth and development of the students. The library

endeavors to provide students with opportunities to learn how to utilize materials in a variety of formats to access information so that they can continue lifelong learning. A library collections stand out around 5000 volumes consists of books and multimedia on variety of subjects.


Library at TSSS helps to create an aesthetically pleasing as well as practical learning environment, provide access to sources of varied, current and useful information for both pupils and teachers and encourage reading for pleasure.

Computer Lab

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The school has two state-of-the-art Computer Labs. These are meant for students of primary ,secondary and sertior secondary levels. All the teachers are well trained to ut ilize these resources in an effective manner. They prepare their audio & visual aids and use them for making teaching effective. The students use the labs to develop their programming skill and to gain hands onexperience in computer applications. Well equipped computer Jabs with high quality computers and carefully monitored internet connectivity provides our children the opportunity for research in

addition to prepare them for the IT driven world. Technology doesn't drive change, it enables change. There is a computer lab exclusively for teachers. Here teachers complete their school

related work (test papers and assignments). All our Jabs have constant access to the internet and are used extensively for research work by both students and teachers. The school can proudly boast of its highly advanced audio-visual rooms, equipped with a smart board and LCD Projector.



The need for a sound mind in a sound body is known to all of us. For overall developement of students, involvement in acitivities such as sports is important alongwith academics. The TSSS provides sports facilities in the form of two large green playgrounds. All students are encouraged to take part in team games. As well as excel in individual games. Games are arranged separately for boys and girls under the supervision of qualified D.P.E Instructors and coaches. The school is constantly committed to providing excellent opportunities and state-of-the-art infrastructure to our students and preparing them to make meaningful contributions in an increasing global society.

Transport and Security

The school has a fleet of buses. The transport facility is provided to the students coming from the different comers of the town and near by villages. Transport facility is provided as per rules of the school given under. Each bus has a driver, a conductor for complete safety and security of the children. The routes and timing of the entire fleet of buses are monitored. Safety and Security of a child is of prime importance to us here at Tagore Sr Sec School. Trained employees are posted at all vantage points and in buses to safeguard children. The safety procedures at the entry gate are rigorous while screening visitors. Stringent safety norms are laid down to ensure that each and every child feels

secure and protected throughout, The construction, the furniture design, toxin free equipments, apparatus, swings, toys and games etc. are special features towards that objective. Our carefully selected human cares, teachers and well-equipped security staff are supported safety norms.

Games and Sports

The need for a sound mind in a sound body is known to all of us. For overall developement of students, involvement in acitivities such as sports is important alongwith academics. The TSSS provides sports facilities in the form of two large green playgrounds. All students are encouraged to take part in team games. As well as excel in individual games. Games are arranged separately for boys and girls under the supervision of qualified D.P.E Instructors and coaches. The school is constantly committed to providing excellent opportunities and state-of-the-art infrastructure to our students and preparing them to make meaningful contributions in an increasing global society.

Arts and Academics


The arts are as important as academics, and they should be treated that way in school curriculum. This is what we believe and practice at Tagore Sr Sec School, Narnaund. While the positive impact of the arts on academic achievement is worthwhile in itself, it's also the tip of the iceberg when looking at the whole child. Learning art goes beyond creating more successful students. We believe that it creates more successful human beings. TSSS is built upon a dual arts and academic curriculum. Our teachers, students, and families all hold the belief that both arts and academics are equally important.

Morning Assembly

"Each morning we are born again, What we do today is what matters the most.."

School assemblies serve as powerful motivators for the entire school. The beginning of a school day can become chaotic and this is where our morning assembly serve an important purpose. By assembling students and teachers in one space before the start of the school day, morning assembly is a powerful way to instill discipline and also to set a joyful and focused tone for the day. We convey a lot of infonnation including assigning duties to the monitors and prefects and also utilize the assembly to talk about topics such as cleanliness and good manners which need to be reinforced everyday.


These well planned assemblies contribute greatly to the community culture of our school and pass on positive values. They provide a foundation of understanding for the community, in which students can better understand the "big picture" of their learning and school life. By being in assembly together, it immediately becomes something that everyone shares and identifies with, fostering greater solidarity.

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